



Wylie student Ismael Raul Villa was recognized as NODA’s 2024 Region IV Outstanding Undergraduate Student at a Two-year Institution during the organization’s recent regional 会议. NODA是面向、过渡和保留的协会 高等教育. 优秀本科生奖的目的是给 special recognition to students for their creativity, energy, enthusiasm, and outstanding 能力”,这是任何成功的校园项目的支柱.野田地区 IV包括德克萨斯州、俄克拉何马州、堪萨斯州、密苏里州和阿肯色州. 地区优胜者 在野田年度评选过程中考虑的四项预付款.

Book-in-Common program recently held its 2024 author events with Morgan Talty, author of 活着的保留区之夜. Talty spoke about his book and the process of writing during events at the Frisco, 麦金尼和普莱诺校区. 学生和社区成员参加了这些活动.

“星空下的科学”吸引了大约1600人——大多数是小学学生家庭 3月22日前往普莱诺校区. 免费第一年 event included science presentations, hands-on activities, free food, giveaways, and 为晚会画上句号的舞台表演. 14个社区合作伙伴,包括 the Perot Museum, Sci-Tech, Live Green Plano, Dallas Gem Society,以及其他许多人, also participated, raising awareness among attendees about fun science-related organizations 在该地区. 感谢来自整个学区的教职员工的帮助 organize and participate in the event, with special acknowledgment to Plano Science 实验室经理Stacey Bilich,她首先提出并领导了这项工作.

科林大学女子篮球运动员怀亚塔·詹宁斯和麦肯齐·巴斯 命名为全国大专田径协会(NJCAA)一级女子 连续第二年入选全美篮球队.

教学设计师Matthew Stilson介绍了避免AI生成媒体中的AI美学" on March 26 at the 2024 Texas Digital Learning Association (TxDLA) 会议 in Galveston.

Tara Franklin, ACCESS Advisor for Dual Credit successfully defended her dissertation 在阿比林基督教大学完成她的教育学博士学位.

外科辅助部主办兽医技术部 麦金尼校园的一个现场手术课程,在这个课程中,一只狗被切除了卵巢. 组织者 called it “a fantastic 学习 experience for all the students and a true team effort 在校园.”

的 Partnering 4 Student Success Conference drew 191 registrants to the 普莱诺的校园 4月5日在Living Legends会议中心举行. 专业发展会议 focused on strategies for student success in first-year classes and included a resource 和来自科林的八个支持组织的桌子. 有 30 concurrent sessions on topics relevant to teaching and student support, such as 有目的的 AI: Building Student Awareness of Ethical and Practical AI Use in Writing Assignments, Consideration of Social and Emotional Dimensions in Teaching as Tools for the Academic 学生的成功,以及其他许多人 的 keynote speaker was comedian KC Mack, with a 75-minute presentation on Bringing 让你走出倦怠! 会议策划委员会由教师和教师组成 代表科林所有校区的员工. 还要感谢会议事务 and catering for helping the event run smoothly and the eLC for providing professional 为进一步的专业发展记录活动.

Associate Degree Nursing learners Bethany Soriano, Shawna Bacon, and Amy Mannon were recently accepted into the National Student Nurses Association Leadership Honor Society.

Dual Credit CNA student Isa (Isabella) Ramos from Princeton ISD competed in the State SkillsUSA competition in Corpus Christi in early April and placed third in the Nurse 助手类别. 她在早些时候的地区比赛中获得了参加州比赛的资格 今年. 行业专业人士创建和评判SkillsUSA锦标赛 确保学生学习当今职场所需的实际技能. 竞争对手 in the Nurse 助手类别 are evaluated on skills such as infection control, personal 护理、心肺复苏术和生命体征测量. 

的 科林大学 nursing program has been allowed to extend the HCA Texas 2-Step Nursing Program partnership to the vocational nursing program as a trial for the Fall 2024年学期. 共有6个名额为进入高职的学生提供 2024年秋季的护理项目. 目前HCA德州两步计划储备 up to 15 seats in the Associate Degree Nursing program, so learners already employed by HCA have a guaranteed seat if they meet the requirements for entering the program. Extending the Texas 2-Step Nursing Program to students who apply for the vocational nursing program will open further opportunities for HCA employees who need support 获得护理执照. 此外,该合作伙伴关系将包括LVN-ADN 为职业护理专业毕业生开设的桥梁课程. 毕业的学生 from the vocational nursing program and pass the nursing board exam (NCLEX-PN) will 确保在桥梁项目中占有一席之地. 

Trauma Day on April 6 drew 103 volunteers who served as trauma and medical patients. EMS、护理、超声检查和呼吸护理专业的学生说他们有一些 神奇的经历. 六名来自西南大学急诊住院医师项目的住院医师. 的 chief resident said this training was higher than anything he had ever experienced 在医学院. 这个创伤日有一个额外的问题,那两只治疗犬来自 联合K9学院参加了在紧张、混乱的环境中进行的培训. 之一 the dogs is being groomed to be a diabetic alert companion for a Collin Nursing student. 的 student whose dog was being trained served as a patient, which allowed her to train 我们的EMS学生在遇到服务犬时的正确互动方式 在野外. 教练说他想成为科林创伤日活动的一部分 向前.

Thousands of students, faculty, and staff gathered at eclipse-viewing events throughout 4月8日,该地区. 尽管乌云笼罩着每个人的情绪 and the eclipse-watchers themselves – the assembled crowds were treated to a spectacular 日全食时出现的光. 谢谢大家,谢谢 the faculty and staff from throughout the district who helped organize the viewing 方.

On Saturday, April 6, 2024, 67 students, faculty, and staff participated in the McKinney Campus Jean's Creak Clean-up effort and removed 62 bags of trash, pallets, and other 校园后面小溪里的各种材料.

Over the past year, 科林大学's Continuing Education Department worked with 的 Academy Education Program at 的 Storehouse of Collin County based in Plano to provide job skills training in English and Spanish to 48 clients, which 的 Storehouse calls ”邻居.学院教育计划于2022年8月启动,旨在提供 邻居有机会发展语言,工作和生活技能. 邻居们 completed: Basic Bookkeeping (Spanish), Beginning Automotive Repair Certificate (Spanish), 及会计文员证书系列(英文). 该项目正在招收学生 在部门预算要点和探索如何继续与科林合作 大学CE. “仓库”的使命是“像邻居一样吃、穿、关心” 在一个社区.“仓库”的代表最近发来了一封感谢信 Director of Continuing Education Programming Jeanne Johnson and Programming Manager Camale Allen for their work, stating, "You guys are great to work with and are helping 改变生活!”

的 科林大学 Child Development Lab School celebrated "Week of the Young Child" 4月8日至12日. “儿童周”是由美国国家儿童基金会发起的一年一度的庆祝活动 幼儿教育协会. 本周强调专注 bet9备用登录地址儿童和家庭,儿童早期项目和儿童权益. 实验学校 员工、老师和家长志愿者合作提供实践活动 其中包括:音乐、艺术、烹饪和嘉年华披萨派对. 研究表明 头五年对发展和发展的关键重要性比以往任何时候都更加突出 学习. 实验学校感谢所有的家长和他们的家人,让它成为一个 成功庆祝一周.

bet9备用登录地址剧院的校友斯凯·威廉姆斯在《艾” 在沃斯堡的圆形剧院演出. 另一位校友约翰娜·恩切库贝(Johanna Nchekwube)出演了女主角 在新剧中的角色这一次” 在达拉斯Undermain剧院演出. 丽贝卡(贝基)麦克唐纳导演了《bet9娱乐备用地址》 达拉斯主教艺术剧院中心的戏剧节.

普莱诺校园参考馆员Shannon Alexander的演讲被接受为 part of 的 Educators Poster Session at the June 2024 American Library Association 在加州圣地亚哥举行的年度会议. 她的演讲是 认真研究大学图书馆教程的异步方面.  

In March, Reina Williams, executive library director for 普莱诺的校园, attended the OCLC全球理事会在俄亥俄州都柏林召开会议,作为代表 美洲区域理事会(ARC). 这次会议召集了来自世界各地的图书馆领导 the ARC, Europe, Middle East, and Africa Regional Council, and the Asia Pacific Regional Council to discuss matters important to libraries 今天, such as artificial intelligence (AI), intellectual property, linked data, and providing library access to individuals 在世界各地.