In Brief: March 2024

April 01, 2024

Cougar News

Black coffee mug with newspapers stacked beside it

特蕾西·伊莱恩·李,bet9备用登录地址剧院的校友,将出现在全新的百老汇 production of “The Great Gatsby” starting this month. She was a cast member of another Broadway show, “Shucked.”

Dr. 兽医技术主任Catherine Pfent在 大足科教育与保护学会的年度会议 February. Macropodidae are some marsupials which include kangaroos, wallabies, tree-kangaroos, wallaroos, pademelons, quokkas, and several other groups. The meeting was attended by owners, breeders, zookeepers, and veterinarians. Her presentations were, “The Golden Macropod Years” covering end 对生活的关注,比如帮助老年动物的改造,识别疼痛, 以及如何决定何时实施安乐死,以及“验尸的重要性” 《bet9娱乐备用地址》,其中涵盖了兽医病理学家如何 当主人和动物园提交动物解剖时,要识别疾病爆发.

三十四名学员成功完成专业货车驾驶/自驾训练 offered through Continuing Education. The students were funded through a Department 为退伍军人、退伍军人的配偶/子女以及服务不足的人提供交通补助 population. 助学金不仅帮助学生成为持证CDL持有者,而且 这也增加了合格的CDL司机的数量. For 更多有关科林专业卡车驾驶训练的资料,请浏览: Professional Truck Driving / CDL (

技术园区主办了美国焊接的当地北德克萨斯州分会 Society (AWS) on Feb. 27, welcoming current AWS national President Michael Krupnicki.

3月1日,焊接部举办了第三届年度美国未来农民(FFA) welding competition alongside Joseph Molina and Anna ISD. The competition drew more 来自当地几十个高中FFA分会的100多名学生,包括艾伦,安娜, Celina, Frisco, Farmersville, Princeton, Prosper and more. The Celina team won the first-place prize. The top three teams will move onto state. 

3月22日,普莱诺校园首次举办了“星空下的科学”活动 这鼓励了所有年龄段的学生更多地了解他们周围的科学. 这次活动包括亲身示范、舞台表演、音乐和食物.

达芙妮·巴布科克是怀利校区学术事务和劳动力项目主任 featured in the February/March issue of The Wylie Connections magazine. 她被描述为怀利商会董事会的主席 这个故事的主题是她对观鸟和摄影的热爱 issue was side hobbies or side hustles. Bird photography has been a passion for Babcock for many years.

97名职业护理学习者参加了社区学习服务 event at The Samaritan Inn in March. The learners attended a seminar on homelessness, 他们从哪里了解到所提供的服务,以及他们如何作为护理人员做出贡献 learners. 学员们参观了麦金尼的工厂,并完成了培训 session that would allow them to begin volunteering at the facility. Several of the 学生们已经协助准备食物,分发衣服和评估 client needs.

多导睡眠描记主任安布尔·艾伦在1 / 2月刊上备受关注 of Sleep World Magazine bet9备用登录地址她作为注册多导睡眠图技术专家委员会的任期的开始 President. See the article on page 26 at this link.

Dr. 约翰·威廉姆斯,麦金尼大学校园历史教授,被邀请到牛津大学 Summer Institute. This institute is an intensive two-week workshop at St. Catherine’s College, University of Oxford, to help shape the future of academia. Instructors are vetted and invited based on merit. This workshop, led by international scholars and bet9娱乐备用地址,试图站在反犹太主义批判性讨论的前沿 映射、解码和对抗与全球反犹太主义爆发有关的问题. 凡在本所就读者,均视为住校bet9娱乐备用地址,并须缴付学费 利用这一经验来获得与当代斗争有关的见解和知识 反犹太主义,把他们学到的东西带回校园,分享这种经历 with their colleagues.

The Plano Campus Makerspace held an open house on Feb. 29. Approximately 50 students, 教师和工作人员参观了这个空间,了解创客空间的服务,并看到 新的布局将允许学生参与各种实践活动 such as 3D design and printing. 

普莱诺校园图书馆的执行主任雷纳·威廉姆斯(Reina Williams)也获得了提名 到德州理工大学全国领导与成功学会分会 as a Presidential member for having a GPA of 3.3 or above, academic accomplishments, and leadership potential.   

Celina ISD双学分病人护理技术员临床班首次举办 wellness clinic on the Celina Campus in March. The 12th 年级学生为顾客提供了各种健康检查,包括vital signs, blood sugar levels, and EKGs. 此次活动的赞助人包括39名大学生、7名教职员工和5名学生 community members. The event provided students the opportunity to practice their skills in addition to communication and patient interaction. Clinical Instructor Jennifer 戴维斯在塞丽娜校区的支持下策划和策划了这次伟大的活动 leadership.

感谢所有帮助二月份亚马逊Prime节目拍摄的人 “The College Tour.” The video crew spent three days gathering student, faculty, and staff interviews, along with b-roll of multiple campuses. Look for Collin College’s episode later this year.

室内设计教授黛比·富勒在2023年秋季的《bet9备用登录地址》杂志上被介绍过 她的班级为学区的建筑设计了数字平面图 conference centers. The project provided her students with real-world experience through field visits and working with clients. Read the story on page 21 of the SOAR magazine here.

建筑管理部门最近收到了一张10,000美元的支票,用于资助奖学金. 捐款是在达拉斯建筑商协会(DBA)职业女性 in Building (PWB) monthly meeting.

The Plano Police Department hosted 24 students and faculty from the Collin College Criminal Justice program. The students were given a tour of the department and learned about the different units that comprise the force. Department personnel were also 提供有关刑事调查,取证,拘留的信息, 公共安全官员,犯罪分析小组,以及警局最新的 redesigned Real Time Information Center.

bet9备用登录地址的运动员和教练正在对课堂和校园产生影响 court. 女子篮球队赢得了全国大专体育协会的称号 (NJCAA) Region V Championship, the first in Collin College history. The win punched 这是美洲狮小姐重返NJCAA全国锦标赛的门票,他们将在那里比赛 their first game on March 28. The men’s basketball team closed out a great 2023-24 season. The Cougars earned a North Texas Junior College Athletic Conference 自2008-09赛季以来,他首次获得了NTJCAC的冠军,并取得了24胜7负的总战绩. 除了团队成就,球员们还获得了以下个人荣誉 honors. See this article for a full list of student athlete honors.