In Brief: February 2024

March 04, 2024

Collin College

Black coffee cup in front of a stack of newspapers

卡琳娜·泰勒,兽医技术教授,2023年Margi奖获得者 Sirois Veterinary Technician Educator of the Year Award, participated in a virtual town hall on Feb. 2 as a part of the Association of Veterinary Technician Educators 2024 Annual Conversation.

技术校园支持艾伦社区外展(ACO)的2023毛毯 Drive. 12月下旬,两个巨大的箱子被装满并送到了ACO以提供帮助 members of our community who are in need. The college is also finalizing an Adult 教育扫盲奖助金的建议,acro已同意支持其部分 terrific programming. 

Associate Dean Rachel B. Walker has completed the Keller Citizens Academy, a robust 为期10周的项目概述了该市为支持 citizens of Keller.

bet9备用登录地址执法学院最近参加了一项培训方法的研究 在一篇名为“融合提高警察的学习成果”的文章中报道 Academy Training” in the Winter Edition of The ILEETA Journal. ILEETA stands for International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association. The study, which also included 马里兰州、内华达州、新墨西哥州和纽约州的执法学院都支持这一观点 在多个主题上整合技能的培训,而不是“竖井”式的培训 for best retention. View the article here.

斯科特·唐纳森是bet9备用登录地址执法学院(CCLEA)的主任 被选为国际警察学院咨询委员会(IPAAB)成员 International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP). Donaldson attended the inaugural 在阿拉伯联合酋长国(阿联酋)举行的IPAAB会议上,他参加了一个 签署仪式涉及国际学员交流项目的建立 2021. CCLEA最近接受了四名来自阿联酋的学员成为其初级警官 training program. This collaborative exchange program graduated six cadets from the UAE a little over two years ago. A video of the signing ceremony is available here.

bet9备用登录地址戏剧系校友迈克尔·乌里最近在电影中饰演“罗宾爵士” the original cast of the new Broadway production of Monty Python’s Spamalot. 尤里现在正在纽约市中心安可剧团的新作中扮演“无畏王子” of Once Upon a Mattress. He continues to play the role of Brian in the AppleTV+ series Shrinking, now in production for its second season. He is also featured in the Academy Award-nominated film Maestro, 他在那里扮演百老汇传奇导演兼编舞杰罗姆·罗宾斯.

普莱诺校区的儿童发展实验室学校获得了四星评级 Texas Rising Star. This is the highest rating for the Texas Rising Star program, a 质量评级和改进体系,为参与其中的德州儿童保育项目提供支持 in the Texas Workforce Commission's (TWC) childcare services program. Texas Rising 明星项目的质量水平超过了该州的《bet9备用登录地址》 standards. “这一非凡的成就反映了每个团队的奉献精神和辛勤工作 member,” said Dr. Lupita Murillo Tinnen, dean of academic affairs/workforce.

Men’s and women’s basketball alumni and their families filled the stands 为1月11日在普莱诺校区举行的有史以来第一次篮球校友聚会做准备. 27. Alumni 在两场比赛中场休息时向教练致敬,并与家人合影 and teammates after each game. It was the first time in college history that athletic alumni have reunited. Members of the very first men's basketball team were among the guests.

校友谘询委员会增加四位新成员,分别是柯里主教、阿宗主教、 Lechelle Grant, and Ashley Shroyer.

Andrea Mersiovsky被选中在Celina ISD长期设施服务 2024年的规划委员会,帮助确定满足需求的设施需求 increasing student enrollment.

bet9备用登录地址网络安全项目荣获2023“学术奖” 获“卓越学术圈”和“卓越学术指导圈”等奖项 the EC-Council. 获得2023年“学术界卓越圈”奖,受到 欧共体理事会和网络安全社区,该奖项在朝鲜仅颁发给5名获奖者 America annually. Criteria include commitment to cybersecurity education, student 反馈、参与、认证尝试、学生数量和程序开发. 网络安全教授荣获2023年度优秀学术导师圈奖 Dr. 詹姆斯·弗里德认识到他对教学和教学评估的深远影响, 学生的经验,领导力和参与网络安全社区. EC-Council是国际知名的网络安全技术认证 body.

A group of 15 Culinary and Pastry Arts students completed the American Culinary Federation (AFC) certification. One hundred percent of the students were certified by ACF in December 2023. This is the first group of Collin College students to receive this certification.

On Feb. 1, friends and families joined thirty-three dual credit students who were inducted into the Psi Alpha Honor Society. Psi Alpha's mission is to enhance America's high school dual 学分学生对心理学科学的理解和知识,如何心理学 造福社会,并提供心理学的职业机会. Professor Therese Ogle serves as the advisor.

Dr. 旧金山分校和塞利纳分校的教务长戴安娜·霍普(Diana hope)已受到该组织的邀请 Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program to serve on a peer-review committee. During her three-year term, Dr. Hopes and other committee members, comprised of other U.S. Fulbright Scholars, will review and assess applications for over 140 countries worldwide. The committee's 职责是确保高素质的bet9娱乐备用地址和专业人士将代表 American scholarship abroad through Fulbright.

德州护理委员会(TBON)的初步评分已经公布, and the Vocational Nursing (VN) program had a score of 98.39 on the National Council 2023年执业护士执照考试(NCLEX-PN). Sixty-two learners took the test, with 61 passing on the first attempt.

所有bet9备用登录地址的初级护理副学士学位(ADN) NCLEX通过率 learners testing in 2023 was 94.71%. One hundred eighty-nine learners took the test, 第一次考试有179人通过,比2022年增加了近5% a pass rate of 90.05%.  

米歇尔·米伦在攻读博士学位的过程中达到了一个重要的里程碑 我被录取为攻读哲学博士学位的候选人 in Higher Education at Texas Tech University.

1月27日,女工程师协会(SWE)举行了一场黑客马拉松 team event and personal projects. The teams were given the topic “Healthcare Technology 第一名是创建了一个基于arduino的项目演示的团队 how eye scans can be used to diagnose different health conditions. The event was put together by SWE student officers Lauren Limburg and Jersey Johnson. Susan Stancy Abraham 担任主要顾问,但该活动也得到了特布林·戴利的支持, Misty Clark, and Ginnette Serrano-Correa.

技术园区最近举办了一个建筑行业教育基金会贸易 Days event. Prism Electric, Beck Group, Walker Engineering, Simpson Strong-Tie, 和密尔沃基工具公司是20多家展示该建筑的公司之一 industry. 克雷格·约翰逊,建筑和建设项目主任,以及实验室 经理塞尔吉奥·阿尔曼扎(Sergio Almanza)帮助组织了这次活动,吸引了来自美国的高中生 as far away as Ennis. The event was featured in a Fox 4 News segment here.

Collin College was mentioned in a Jan. 23 BisNow bet9备用登录地址其支持和建立更多医疗保健管道的工作的bet9娱乐备用地址报道. View the story here.