
June 09, 2021

Heather Darrow


bet9备用登录地址授予2000多个学位和证书 2021年的毕业生,但几名参加大学毕业典礼的学生仍然是 离高中毕业还有几天.

多亏了大学学院的模式以及bet9备用登录地址与 地区学区,包括殖民地,社区,普莱诺和普林斯顿,更多 超过60名双学分学生在高中毕业后还获得了副学士学位 degrees this year.

大学学院模式允许高中学生整合双学分 课程纳入他们的时间表,bet9备用登录地址提供现场教授和学生 and enrollment support services. The popular model is rapidly growing throughout the county. 学生们拿着高中和大学文凭毕业的最终结果 at the same time makes all the work worthwhile.

学院的毕业典礼庆祝了这些双学分学生的成就 as well as the entire Class of 2021. More than 370 students attended the event which 于四月二十九日至五月一日在科林高等教育中心举行. College administrators 工作人员用欢呼声和掌声向每一位同学和即将毕业的同学致意 posed for photographs with their families. In addition, graduates received a special 学院的毕业礼物,以及砂浆板、流苏和毕业证. 地区社长及保管委员会也在特别影片中出现 on the graduation webpage.

Graduating from Collin College and The Colony High School

41名获得副学士学位的柯罗尼高中学生之一,贾斯敏·埃尔南德斯 她计划进入德克萨斯女子大学,成为一名执业护士.

一开始,参加普通高中课程和双学分课程很疯狂, 获得该学院理学副学士学位的贾斯敏说. It was two different experiences. I had a lot more freedom in the college classes. I believe anything that is worth doing requires work. Anyone can get two degrees at one time if they are willing to put the effort in.

贾思敏说,她很高兴能在毕业典礼上和家人合影 celebration. 她的母亲艾丽莎(Alisa)说,贾斯敏的妹妹娜塔莉(Natalie)也会跟着去 跟随姐姐的脚步,她还计划获得bet9备用登录地址的副学士学位 while she is in high school.

This is a good program, Alisa said. The low cost was great. The instructors came to 高中毕业,这是加分项,贾斯敏也准备好上大学了.


这个项目非常适合那些选择需要更长时间的职业的学生, he said. 他们高中毕业时已经有60个大学学分了.

和贾斯敏一样,杰里埃尔·瓦鲁格塞也获得了该校的副学士学位 and also graduated from The Colony High School. Jeriel received a scholarship to attend the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA). He plans to become a nurse anesthetist.

“我想尽可能地走在前面,走上正确的道路,”杰里尔说. The 教授们真的很好,让单元很容易理解.


This is an amazing program, and he did it, she said. He earned his high school degree and associate degree, and he was accepted at UTA. The program prepared him very well for the degree. Now he has a knowledge base of biology and psychology.

Graduating from Collin College and Community ISD

社区高中学生卢克·威尔逊是11名社区ISD学生之一 earn a Collin College degree this year. He plans to attend Texas A&M University 学习生物化学和遗传学,他的最终目标是成为一名医生 assistant.

今年是11名社区ISD学生获得副学士学位的第一年 卢克说,他在该学院获得了理学副学士学位. It was great to have 10 other people in the program. We became friends and were able to lean on each other and celebrate with each other.

卢克说,他认为今年的毕业典礼比一般的毕业典礼更个人化. His mother, Erin, described the program as amazing.

艾琳说:“我们从另一所学校转过来,这样他就可以参加这个项目了。. Hes always been very driven. I wasnt surprised that he accomplished this. I would definitely tell other parents to look into it. You are paying for 60 credit hours 是社区学院的学费,而不是大学的学费.

多米尼克·霍金斯获得bet9备用登录地址副学士学位并毕业 from Community High School. 她计划主修时装设计,辅修商科 北德克萨斯大学的设计和创业.

我想在高中获得副学士学位的原因是因为我想 直接进入我的专业,在大学里开始学习时装设计课程,多米尼克 said. 之后,我的目标是在卡尔文·克莱因公司实习,从那里开始, get a job and develop my own skills for fashion design.


她说:“你的大学经历与高中完全不同. 你可以提前获得学士学位,然后继续攻读硕士学位 degree. 它会给你额外的动力,让你更快地进入现实世界.

多米尼克说她很喜欢这次毕业典礼,并补充说它组织得很好. 她的父母欧内斯汀和埃里克也亲自参加了毕业典礼.

这是一次令人兴奋的经历,也是她能够完成的一个惊喜 both degrees at the same time, Ernestine said. Being an A student and keeping up with the load, it was very demanding at times. Students have to be self-motivated and determined to stay on top of everything.

Proud father Eric agreed.

他说,如果你不自律,你就会落后. It is good for the students 从父母那里得到安慰,帮助他们保持动力 and get ready for the next level of college.


她说:“我们只看到这个项目的好处。. It can only help.

即将毕业的高年级学生可以通过bet9备用登录地址扭转颓势走得更远 该项目为2021年春季高中毕业生提供长达7小时的免学费课程 this summer. For more information, visit admissions.salamzone.com/express/2021graduates.html.